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2023-09-28 11:09:31 ,,,,,,

Home is the warmest place in the world and a sweet home makes every family member feel happy and comfortable. So, how to make a home sweet?
First, respecting and understanding each other is the key to make a home sweet, especially living in a big family. Everyone in the family has his or her own opinion and has different way to deal with the matters, and it is impossible to make family members see eye to eye with each other. Therefore, when we are meeting different opinions, we need to give our respect and understanding to each other.
Second, communication is another important factor to make a sweet home. Communicating with family members is a good for us to know each other and strengthen the relationship. Thus, no matter where we are, keeping in contact with each other is definitely important.
Finally, humor can add more sweet to our home. Humor is a good way to adjust the atmosphere in a family and close the relationship between family members. Hence, if there is going to h**e a quarrel between family members, try to use your humor to solve it in advance.
In a word, to make a home sweet needs the effort of every family member.


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